Friday, April 25, 2008

Stressful Sushi Scenario

This week our library's anime/manga club had a professional sushi chef give a demonstration on how to make sushi and he provided free samples to a large crowd of excited teenagers.

However, getting this event to happen was not an easy task. I live in the "sushi district" of the city so I knew which places to scout out for a chef. I personally visited each restaurant and politely explained the situation and our library's need for a sushi chef. I got a very chilly reception. To even talk to a sushi chef in person was a feat since they were well protected by their staff. I even got a very rude brush off from one server saying "our chefs don't do that." After a few weeks of sending out my card and looking I was feeling down when one of the chefs from a well-regarded restaurant called me back and said he would be happy to do the demonstration. I was ecstatic.

I immediately began advertising for the program and soon I had teenagers asking me almost every day, "when is the sushi chef coming?" When the chef told me he was coming it was two weeks before the event. As the day drew closer I had heard nothing from him. He didn't tell me anything he needed; he didn't ask for directions. I heard nothing. This week I started to get anxious. I called over at the restaurant and was unable to talk to the chef personally; I kept getting nervous. The day of I paced the floor imagining hordes of teenagers with pitchforks chanting "sushi, sushi!" My back up plan was feeble: it consisted of Japanese snacks and DVDs. I knew it would not pacify them.

Then suddenly. He shows up and puts on the most wonderful program with his daughter. They educated the teens on how to use chopsticks, what the ingredients were for, and even taught them some Japanese. I later found out he faxed the library he was coming but no one checks the fax machine and I never received the fax. I hope he agrees to come out next year.