Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ninja for Hire

The other week we had a very special guest for anime club...a ninja! I found him online, his online ad said he was a "ninja for hire" and would do just about anything. I hired him not knowing exactly what to expect.

When I was sitting at my desk waiting for the ninja to show up, a policeman entered the library and asked for me. When I confirmed that I was that person, he said "There's a guy dressed in a ninja outfit with all these weapons in a car outside the library. He says he knows you. Is this true?" The policeman had a very concerned look on his face. I guess he thought the ninja was going to attack our library with his katana and shurikens. I confirmed that I did know the ninja and "Jon Ninja" came to set up.

Mr. "Jon Ninja" really did know his stuff. He knew ninja history, moves, information about weapons etc. The kids were in awe of him. For the activity I had all these cut-in-half pool noodles that they could use as swords. The ninja carefully taught the teens how to fight with them, showing them defensive moves etc. But when he let them loose they just walloped each other over the head.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Doing a lot with a little

Our library system gives each library a fixed amount of money for programming each year. I have had a lot of programs this year and found myself last month with four months to go in the year and about $200 left to spend. Some might think that was a lot but with storytimes, a teen anime club, a gaming club, after school club, teen programs, crafts, book clubs etc. that money goes fast.

I have been getting big crowds at my storytime this session. At each storytime I have a craft relating to the theme. So I have had to had to come up with crafts for 30 something kids each time for 8 weeks with practically no money. I am on the sixth week and I have successfully done it, with only spending about $20. I think that deserves an award or something. I can't even go to the grocery store to buy milk and get out spending less than $20.

The reason I'm able to do this so cheaply is simple. Preschoolers are very easy to please. You basically need paper and glue and they are happy as clams. The picture above is our last craft, a paper bear with some buttons on it I found in the back and clothes pins on the back (which are $1.50 for 50) to make the bear stand. Now if only I could entertain the teens with simple paper and glue...