Saturday, May 31, 2008

Graffiti "Art"

Yesterday our bathrooms were "decorated" with graffiti two times in a matter of hours. The first time it was gang signs written five times all over the bathroom. What surprises me with this graffiti artists is that they keep putting graffiti on our bathrooms and we keep taking it off but they usually keep putting it on the same places, the walls, mirror etc. Those places it's very easy to take off, just a quite swipe with a spray. Most of them haven't figured out that if you put it on the door it doesn't come completely out. Maybe they don't care if their "art" can be seen for future generations.

The second batch of graffiti yesterday was a spray painted red frog in the other bathroom. (Why they spray painted a red frog I will never know.) I saw a bunch of kids hanging around the bathroom, going in and out and laughing. Whenever I see kids going in and out of the bathroom laughing I know its never a good sign. I have to admit that the frog was rather cute but it didn't belong in the bathroom and the red spray paint did not come completely out. I kicked the laughing kids out of the bathroom but I couldn't prove it was them.

That's one thing about these graffiti "artists." We never can catch them. It's always after the fact. Just once in my library career would I love to walk in the bathroom and catch the kid red-handed. He would look up at me with complete fear in his eyes, looking left and right for a quick escape. Maybe he would try to tuck the marker in his pocket and deny it to my face. Whatever he or she did, catching them would make my day.