Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dangerous Felt Mascots

I added some pictures to the slide show on the blog of the felt mascots the teens made in an anime club meeting a couple of months ago. Felt mascots are these cute, handmade stuffed animals that are very popular in Japan. People take them everywhere with them. We made our own in the club meeting and the teens "gothed" theirs out. I have absolutely no sewing ability, I can't even sew on a button so I was relatively helpless in making the mascots. However, I had to keep the semblance of authority and knowledge so when one of the teens would come ask me for help I would study the instructions and pretend I knew what I was doing. The one thing I could do was thread a needle and so this somehow convinced them that I was skilled in sewing. Luckily, a few of the teens knew what they were doing and the mascots turned out very dangerous, and cute.


Candy Bello said...

not bad for a beginner! hey, i like them!
