Thursday, July 10, 2008

Go, Worm Go!

Our summer reading program, and the summer reading program of many libraries is all about bugs. For an activity this week I wanted to have a "worm day." We would have a worm craft, worm snack (chocolate pudding, oreo 'dirt' with gummi worms), and I wanted to attempt a worm race. My boss was a little worried how he would put "worms" on the purchase request slip that we turn into the county. He didn't need to worry because worms are 'dirt' cheap. You can get two dozen for three bucks.

So I bought the worms and after the large gaggle of children had eaten their chocolate 'dirt' I told them we were having a worm race. I didn't know how this was going to go, I didn't even know which was the front or the back of the worm. I made several concentric rings on a large sheet of paper and had the kids each pick a worm. I thought the kids would be squeamish about touching worms but they reached in and dug their hands into the big squishy pile. They each put their worms on the outer edge of the circle and then with as much fanfare as a worm race could have I said "Go!" The worms, not realizing this was a race, squiggled and some tried to race off the table. But a few valiant ones made their way to the center. Soon it was a neck in neck race between two pink worms. Who would win? The kids were wide-eyed in anticipation. Finally we had a winner and the kid with the worm held it aloft like an Olympic torch. Who knew that worm racing could be fun?