Thursday, June 12, 2008

High Expectations

The Internet has radically changed people's perception of what libraries have within their walls. People seem to believe that since they have access to any sort of information that they want through the Internet that the brick and mortar library also has access to this sort of information in book form. In many ways they are correct and perhaps when you are dealing with academic libraries they will be even more correct but I get strange requests from people and when I don't have five books on the topic they want they get upset with me. I have been requested to find books on: a 1963 Ford Fairlane, triplanes, books on tiny, unpopulated counties, obscure Western explorers and the list could go on. I've also had people upset at me when I could only retrieve one book on our shelves on pet rat care, platypuses, and thyroid disease. I'm sure every librarian at every public library could come up with a exhaustive list. Public libraries are more popular lending libraries but not all people understand that. Perhaps we should be flattered that people think we can provide all this information. But flattered is not the feeling I have when a woman says, "Is that all?" to me in an annoyed voice.