Saturday, March 8, 2008

Anime Art Contest

We had the judging for our anime art contest last week. I had the anime club vote for the best art. I was concerned it would turn into a popularity contest since many of the entries were from the club. However, I was pleasantly surprised when the club members did not choose their friends as the grand prize winner but someone completely out of the club. A picture of handsome man holding an attractive dying girl won the contest. The picture was full of emotion. The girl was slumped against the male and he had tears running down his face. I think the picture really spoke to the teens and they voted for it over thirty something other entries. I included pictures of some of the notable entries including the first, second and third place winners on this blog. I never knew the teens in my community were so talented. They just needed an outlet.


lori said...

The anime artwork is very creative and expressive. My hat is off to the teens....looks like you have tapped into a responsive chord...