Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spoiling Easter

I was having a four year old girl color some Easter die-cuts for me today that I was going to put up in the children's area. While she was coloring them I asked her: "So are you looking forward to the Easter bunny coming to your house?" The little girl turned to me and looked me straight in the eye and said "There is no Easter Bunny." I was surprised that someone her age would know that this great big bunny was just a great big lie. So I asked: "How did you hear about that?" She replied "My older brothers told me."

Those pesky older siblings, always ruining childhood fantasies like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. I was talking to one coworker and she said her older siblings told her to fake believing in Santa Claus so they would all get more presents from the Kris Kringle. That is probably a better tactic for these siblings than spoiling the secret. I hope this little girl still gets her Easter candy from the "fake" Easter Bunny.