Friday, October 30, 2009

Dark Dark Box

This week I had a Halloween storytime to celebrate the season and my second favorite holiday. Attending were an assortment of costumed kiddies from fairies to pumpkins to Captain America.

During the storytime I told the story "In a Dark, Dark Room" The story goes "In a dark, dark woods there was a dark dark house where there was a dark dark shelf" well you get the picture. At the end there is a "dark, dark box" where in the book a ghost pops out. I didn't have a ghost but I had a box and I found a stuffed witch in the closet. However, the box was full of dozens of frisbees and I did not want to dump them all out so I just stuffed the witch on top of the frisbees and closed the box. At the point of the story where I said "and in the dark dark box was a..." I pulled out the witch and all the kids clapped their hands in delight. But they all wanted to see what else was in the box. I thought kids pulling frisbees ouf of the "dark dark" scary box would kind of ruin the mood and they probably would start throwing them so I whisked the box away. Of course a toddler was pawing through the box and as soon as I pulled it away she let out a screech...kind of like a witch. The scary mood was over.