Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Empty Libraries

It's going to be tough for me to post as much since I'm back in school this semester and my professors are loading me up with tons of papers. But I'll try.

Our library has decided to delete all VHS, Books on Tape and Book Cassette kits by the end of the year. Then CD-Roms will be gone by the end of next year. I read in American Libraries that they estimate that CDs will be mostly gone in the next decade. 75% of Americans have internet at home and the number is increasing and eventually there will be less need for computers at the library. DVDs are streaming too. With all of these things fading. What are we going to do with all this extra space?

Libraries can fill their extra space with a cafe, or couches and make the library more like Barnes and Nobles or a Starbucks. But will people really go to a library to get their coffee or hang out? I really wonder what the future of libraries are going to be, I imagine they will be more like community centers.

Whatever the case may be I suggest to all librarians to start working on a second degree so they can have a plan B in place. It's what I'm doing. You really never know what the future is going to bring.