Sunday, June 21, 2009

"Planting" Summer Flowers

Last week I had an activity where the children planted their own summer flowers. I bought these 80 cent flower pots at Walmart and had the kids decorate them with paint. Then they filled the pots up with potting soil and put seeds in them then watered them. I had marigolds, zinnias and sunflowers.

I learned quickly that children have no concept of planting things. They would put a few of each plant in the pot instead of just one plant in the small little pot. Or they would dump twenty seeds into one pot before they covered it up with dirt. Some kids would fill the pots up with dirt and then sprinkle the seeds on top of the dirt like mozzarella on a pizza. I ended up having to stand next to the seed station and instruct the kids on the proper planting techniques. I have a feeling that lots of kids are going to be disappointed when they get home and no flowers sprout from their pots.