Monday, February 18, 2008

Gruff from Grandmas and Grandpas

The last few weeks I've had some gruff from our area's senior citizens. Now I love senior citizens and have volunteered numerous times for them but these patrons are not your kindly grandmas and grandpas. They cut in line, order me around, and one yelled at me when he didn't get his way. I've given some thought to why these senior citizens are so cranky and argumentative and what I've come up with is that perhaps the library is one of the few places that they CAN be push others around and get their way. At the library we are polite and kind to everyone no matter how we are treated. In a society that calls these individuals "old fogeys" and says that anyone who forgets something has a "senior moment" these disenfranchised older members of the population probably feel powerless a lot of the time. They're often ignored by the media and even their own families. If they can berate me it might give them a sense of control and power in a society that gives them no authority. Of course it might also be because they don't feel very well and they're dealing with many aches and pains. I try to tell myself this when I get one on the phone ordering me around but I admit it's hard to keep a perspective sometimes. Maybe it won't be until I'm in their shoes that I will entirely understand.


Betty said...

You are to be commended on your understanding of the aches and pains and sometimes just plain 'ol meanness of us senior citizens over the age of 60. I don't usually divulge my age to everyone but I am going on 76. However, I don't feel this age or whatever this age is suppose to feel. I owe it all to a remark a young girl made to me several years ago.
Let me set the scene for you. Three people, a grandmother, a daughter and a granddaughter are rushing down the sidewalk, eager to enter the gates at Arlington Cemetery in Washington. The grandmaother is leading the other two. "Grandma" the young girl said, "You don't seem like all the other grandmas I know. They are old but you are as young as me."
Those words have kept me feeling young all these years and just recently this grandma just returned from a tour of Egypt where she rode a mean camel named Clyde, and climbed half-way up the tallest pyramid." Can you guess who this grandma and young lady are?