Sunday, May 22, 2011


I have really enjoyed posting on this blog and maybe at some point in the future I will return to it. However, a few months ago I found some exciting news... I'm expecting! Life has gotten even more crazy than before and I hardly have time to update it. When the baby arrives I doubt I will have any more time. So I wanted to thank anyone for tuning in and maybe in the future I will return.

I still plan to stay at my job full-time, I could never leave it, I love it so much. However, with two fulltime jobs, mom and librarian, there isn't going to be a lot of "me" time. So goodbye for now and thanks for reading.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dr Seuss

It was Dr Seuss storytime this week so it was time for my annual Dr. Seuss storytime. I read the traditional Green Eggs and Ham for the kids. However, Dr Seuss can be long for storytime so I skipped a few parts of the book. Immediately after skipped a part one little boy shouted out: "You skipped it!" I was so impressed by how well this four year old knew Dr. Seuss. I'm not sure I would have caught it.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bleach spray T-shirts

The other week my anime club had a "Bleach" day where we made Bleach spray T-shirts. You take a 50% concentration of bleach and water and spray it over the shirt. You can make a design out of contact paper and when you spray the solution over the contact paper and then remove it, it makes as design as in the first picture where the teen cut out a dragon design.

With teens you do have to be careful with such dangerous chemicals. I had to stop one teen from trying to sniff the solution and another one from pouring so much on the shirt that it almost ate through the material. Aside from having the auditorium smell like a public pool, it was a fun and easy craft.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Storytime struggles

Started the storytime season again last week after a holiday break. This week we had a crowd bursting at the seams of the auditorium, as well as some newbie kids. Sitting quiet and listening is a skill that kids need to learn and most 3 year olds have not developed it. So usually when we get some first-timer preschoolers in the storytime, they are pretty wound up, jumping up on the stage, trying to play the piano, standing directly in front of the book in front of dozens of other kids craning their necks...etc.

Usually I can handle out of control kids, because their parents help out. This mother was either too overwhelmed with her charges or just figured the other parents of preschoolers would watch her first-timer children. While the group was doing a craft and I was frantically running around making sure there was enough supplies, one of these newbies grabbed a crayon and scribbled all over my flannel board. Crayon does not come out, it was ruined. I didn't get a sorry from the mom and she did not discipline any of her children....I wasn't happy but I will get the last laugh as these 3 preschoolers eventually turn into teenagers under her roof.